
Showing posts with the label social media Strategy

如何使用googlesheet 快速啟動web whatsapp

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13 important project management terms for your perusal

Here are 13 important project management terms for your perusal. Purpose Without purpose, it’s hard for teams to exert the extra effort to get things done. Before you start, organize a kick-off meeting, and define the goal and what you’re trying to achieve. Goals Goals provide focus on how to design a road map to fulfill the objective. They should be S.M.A.R.T.: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound. Capabilities People are the most important resource of all. Go with those who have the skills, experience and will to achieve at the highest level. Resources Identify the resources required from capital, people, equipment, space, time and anything else needed to get the job done. Without the right resources, a project will fall short. Decisions Be clear about who can make what decision, what needs to be vetted by a committee and how quickly decisions are made. If too many people are involved, the risk of falling into an analysis paralysis increases. Make sur


这是一个如何将客户有效转换 创业者必须了解的有效秘笈 如何将观众转换成客户成交询问观众陌生人 Infographic 什么工具会有效帮到你成交顾客? 为什么教育训练如此重要? 我需要从哪里下手? 陌生人 路过的、上网看到的、 在路上看到您商品的广告、 听到朋友圈讨论的, 部落客介绍的 关键: 吸引人的广告 RichMedia,产品定位 提高产品知名度, 观众 会关注你广告, 开始产生兴趣 或是会关注内容 会关注FB官网 听你的故事 关键: 简洁有力的内容 清晰的产品目标导向 提供精彩故事 询问 开始问问题 或是PM 询问产品相关 Call-in 关键: FAQ准备好 了解顾客需求 有效沟通技巧 即时回复顾客 *尽量避免用内置即时回复 成交 关键: 收集统计数据 计算投资报酬率 ROI 顾客回头率% Like us on facebook: Follow us on G+: Share If you like to 

Vlookup 基本设定与概念

Vlookup 基本设定与概念 点击看视频 以下对应资料, 第一是指定查找对象 第二是被查找范围 第三是位置 第四是排序,如果没有要写 False

Choose your audience Facebook marketing

Choose your audience Connect with the people who will love your business . Your people are here Two billion people use Facebook every month. With our powerful audience selection tools, you can target the people who are right for your business. Using what you know about your customers, such as demographics, interests and behaviours, you can connect with people similar to them. There are three options for choosing your audience on Facebook. Core audiences Select your audience manually based on characteristics such as age and location. Custom Audiences Upload your contact list to connect with your customers on Facebook. Lookalike Audiences Use your customer information to find people similar to them on Facebook. CORE AUDIENCES Choose the people who you want to reach Whether you're a flower shop that wants more local customers or an online electronics retailer looking for people interested in y

Social Media Use

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